"A LIMERICK", c'est une sorte de petit poème humoristique de 5
vers avec des rimes en : a.a.b.b.a... (même si parfois il faut un peu forcer la
prononciation !).
Le premier vers comporte en général le nom d'une personne ou d'un lieu.
Cette sorte d'épigramme tiendrait son nom de la ville irlandaise de Limerick.
Une spécialité locale ? Peut-être ! Mais toujours avec humour, c'est sûr ...
1 |
Marco Polo decided to roam |
2 |
A careless explorer named Blake |
3 |
A lonely young lady called Dora |
4 |
5 | There was a boy called Aldridge Who said he had to go to Cambridge Because he really wanted to see That thing mentioned by his friend Lee Which was known as the Mathematical Bridge. ![]() |
6 | Chester in England is our twinned city But it's quite far and that's a pity 'Cause I'd like to go and visit my pen-pal Who turned out to be the most extraordinary gal And lives, says she, by the river Dee. |
7 | Speaking English is compulsory So repeating words is necessary But we'd rather go to Chester And practise with our friendly teacher Than stay in Sens and learn the whole dictionary. ![]() |
8 |
Alfred was a big fat man |
9 | Mr Frankenstein was our Biology teacher And he was a rather spooky creature. We never quite understood Why he turned into a bad mood Whenever we talked about gothic litterature. ![]() |
10 | He was Guy, the wise man from Skye And he wouldn't eat no chiken-pie. He was ninety-nine years old And he had caught a cold. But nobody imagined he could die. |
11 |
Whenever I meet my friend Sandy ![]() |
12 | He could fly and was known as Peter Pan The boy who didn't want to become a man. His enemy was Captain Hook, That you've probably read in a book, And he came to his end in a cayman. |
13 | Guy Fawkes is really hated, no joking, 'Cause he tried to kill the King. English children burn him once a year And that's on the 3rd of November. They've been doing it for centuries - Astonishing ! ![]() |
14 | A flea and a fly were caught in a closed motel So what could they do but starve in this hell ? Said the fly : "Let us flee." "Yes, let us fly," said the flea. So they flew through the keyhole and all ended well. |
15 | Tom was trying to catch Jerry With a net, cheddar cheese and some sherry. Jerry ate the cheese, Escaped the net with ease, Drank the sherry and got very merry. ![]() |
16 | Bugs Bunny was cheating at Ludo, So Daffy Duck floored him with Judo. Elma Fudd got his shooter, Shot Bugs in the hooter, And created a new form of Cluedo. |
© BP / PECAS - Octobre 2004
page complétée en juillet 2005